Mechanical Poet - Digital Skin

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Текст песни

Ok, press the button again
Lock the door and don't open the window, my friend
Let's dive into digital streams
Then to open the gate to the land of your dreams

It's the land where a punk can become very strong
You don't need to lift up heavy weights all along
No pain, no grief, no sickness at all
Hit the switch and prepare to call

Do you want to be cool and be high?
Do you dream to be touching the sky?
Do you lack for the smell of the win?
Do you like to be able to fly?
So put on your digital skin

Well now, you may call you an ace
Any fancy comes true in this glorious place
Look down, look up, there are jewels around
Lots of excellent stuff for your set may be found
Hundreds movies and music, it's almost for free
You need only to pay a little nominal fee
Pick it up, pick it up, go ahead, get it all
What a truly remarkable goal
It's very nice to be almighty
The superpowers never pall

Let's forget your official name
Now you can call yourself as Dictator
Start a page, make your own empire
And appoint yourself moderator
Kill the outs, ban the rebels, destroy everyone
Who presumes to defy your commands
No need to come back to your natural life
Being highlord of digital lands

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